Opening Hours & Rates

Opening Hours

As from January 2024 the nursery will be running the following sessions every morning during term time:

Mondays – Closed

Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays– 9.00am to Noon for 2 year olds, 9.00am to 1pm for 3 year olds

Additional hours now available on Tuesday, and Thursday up to 3pm

Fridays 9.00am to Noon

The nursery will discuss your suitable sessions with you.

Fees are based on booked days and not attendance.

We currently charge £5.50 per hour, this is likely to change to £6.00 per hour from Spring 2024.  Fees are payable at the beginning of each half term when bills are issued. An instalment option is available to those fee paying parents whose children attend 4 or 5 days per week, please speak to our administrator regarding this. All fees are non refundable, even if a child is absent through illness. Fees continue to be due until a place has been cancelled in writing giving at least 4 weeks notice. In emergency cases, sessions may be swapped if numbers permit, although staff and committee have the right to refuse this option.

If you are experiencing problems regarding fees, please speak to the Administrator.

Government Funded Places for 2 year olds

We are now registered with Norfolk Children’s Services to take children aged 2 who qualify for the government funding.

Government Funded Places for the over 3’s

The nursery is registered to receive government funding for eligible children. We can offer 15 hours ‘free’ childcare per week, this is subject to the availability of places, and our normal opening hours. At the moment it covers the costs for a place (up to 15 hours per week) for a child aged 3 in the previous term, eg if your child is 3 in September the government funding would start from the beginning of the next term in January.

Government Funding only covers actual attendance, it does not cover holidays or days off for anything other than sickness or medical appointments.

Little Melton Pre-School Nursery

We provide quality care and education through child-led play

Tel: 01603 812362 (session time only) • Email:

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